Subject: PHONEMSG: WFW2 Phone Message Author: Larry Levenson Uploaded By: LLEVENSON Date: 10/24/1994 File: PHONEMSG.DOT (3088 bytes) Estimated Download Time (35079 baud): < 1 minute Download Count: 1664 Needs: Winword 2.0, Windows 3.x Keywords: Levenson, Word, MS Word, Telephone, Phone, Form, DOT, WFW, Windows, Win3 Type: Shareware Version: 10/23/94 An On line phone message form for Winword 2.x (created in Winword 2.0c). It can be placed on your file menu for easy access. Form opens, asks for input, and has a macro-button that prints the phone message and then discards the file, returning you to the document you were working on. To use, open PHONEMSG.DOT (In Winword 2.0 or later) Documentation: Within the program